Fit Hiit

Fit HIIT GLC’s own brand of Functional Training Intervals:

  • Cardio or Resistance Training Circuit - focus total body exercises
  • Emphasis on agility and core
  • Adaptable to all fitness abilities
  • 45 minute class

Whole body dynamic warm-up, technique correction, 20-30 minute high intensity workout followed by correctional stretching. 


Yoga is the physical, mental, and spiritual practices which aim at transforming body and mind that promotes:

  • Joint Stability and Flexibility
  • Muscle Awareness
  • Connecting Breath to Movement
  • Improve Range of motion
  • Low to Moderate Intensity Workout
  • 60 minute class
  • Strengthening and lengthening the whole body while enhancing internal awareness. 


Instructor created indoor 45 minute cycle session:

  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Burn fat
  • Tone and shape legs, hips and butt
  • Burn up to 600 calories in 45 minutes 


The original 45 minute barbell class and ideal workout to:

  • Build Strength
  • Get Lean
  • Get Toned
  • Get Fit Fast
  • Work ALL Major Muscles

Leave the class feeling challenged, motivated and ready to come back for more! 


Basic stepping, just like walking up and down stairs - Full Body Cardio Workout for 45 minutes:

  • Feel Uplifted
  • Tone Glutes and Legs
  • Build Stamina

Expect a mixture of energising upbeat, rhythmic stepping with squat and lunge patterns to work your legs combined with movements like burpees, push ups and weight plate exercises. 

Don’t worry there are heaps of options to everyone feels successful and ready for more. 

LesMills RPM®

Pre-choreographed 45 minute indoor cycling workout where you control the intensity.  Its fun, low impact and you can burn up to 600 calories a session.

  • Cardiovascular Fitness
  • Burn Fat and Calories
  • Tone and shape legs, hips and butt 


Empowering 45 minute cardio workout with combat moves, punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 700 calories.  High energy, non-contact workout with no complex moves to master.

  • Release Stress
  • Have a Blast
  • Work the Legs
  • Tones Arms, Back and Shoulders
  • Core Training
  • Feel Empowered

Zumba Gold

Is a fitness program that consists of cardio and Latin-inspired dance for the active older adults.


A strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core (trunk) muscles while also training your arms and legs.

Conditions of Entry

Failure to comply with the below conditions could result in management asking the patron to leave the premises, with possible membership suspension or cancellation.


  • Please make sure you arrive at each class at least 5 minutes before the starting time. Instructors will not allow entry to any latecomers. This helps to ensure all classes continue to run on time and don't impact later sessions.
  • Please inform your trainer if you are new to the class
  • Abusive language or antisocial behaviour is not tolerated, please show respect to all staff and patrons
  • Patrons must adhere to any reasonable instructions or requests made by the Group Fitness Instructor or Facility Staff

Click here for information on booking group fitness classes - Membership Portal

Age Restrictions 

Age restrictions on weight classes are set by the LesMills and Aus Active guidelines

14 - 17 Years

  • Non Weight Based Classes: Step, RPM/ Spin, Aqua, Yoga, Body Combat, Pilates
  • Parent Guardian Supervision is not required
  • Adolescent screening tool to be completed before participating **parent/guardian signature may be required
  • PARQ 4 pager needs to be completed
  • FitHIIT, Boxing HIIT: 14 to 17 years can attend, but will need to inform instructor of age so exercises can be modified. Parent/Guardian supervision is not required

18+ Years

  • Weight Based Classes: Body Pump, WOD (Gym Based)
  • Parent Guardian Supervision is not required

Youth Fitness Flyer Information


  • Please use equipment as it is designed for use


  • All patrons must have a towel
  • Please wipe down equipment after use
  • For the comfort of other members, please practice good personal hygiene and wear suitable clean clothing
  • Consumption of food in this area is prohibited. Only water and sports drink are permitted


  • Please do not drop weights
  • Please return equipment back to the correct racks and designated areas
  • All patrons (and carers) must wear enclosed sport shoes
  • Gym bags are not permitted in workout areas, please store in cubes provided or in lockers provided (wet side)
  • Personal possessions are your responsibility
  • Wet clothing/ patrons are not permitted in the spin or group fitness room

If you've encountered a problem with the website or have any general feedback, please provide comment via this form. 

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